What Kind Of Christian Are You?

20120726-165503.jpgI often question how to identify myself as a follower of Jesus. I have believed the word “Christian” has had too many negative thoughts connected to it for me to boldly claim it myself. After speaking to numerous athiest/agnostic people across the country this summer, I have heard a variety of opinions, but I’m not convinced the word “Christian” is consistently thought of in a negative light to nonbelievers.

Surprisingly, I have seen much more negative sentiment in the Midwest than the coasts. I think this has to do with it being a general topic of discussion to those in the midwest, but doesn’t seem to be discussed as heavily on the coasts. The reality is that there are so few Christians in parts of the coastal regions of America that no one has a true opinion regarding the issue–besides what they see and hear in the media.

Personal experience individuals have with people who call themselves Christians still seems to be the biggest factor on public image. If this is true, the bigger question to me is “what are we, Christians, doing to reinforce the positive elements of the Christian image?”

In a recent article published by CNN, Christians are depicted as being their own worst enemies.